Details section: Title NOT available for use as a booking tag in email..?!!??

  • Live

Mai-ya Mersereau

WHY is something as important & client-facing as the package title unavailable as a booking tag for a client-facing email, especially when other fields from the very same Details section are available to be used as booking tags in the email templates (like description & extended description). That feels like a mistake that needs correcting.

So I am unable to state the name of the room title the client booked in their registration email..??? There's no other way to include this then changing all of the "back office/internal" titles? (which btw the (i) popup bubble states: "The title that is seen by your guests is set in "Title" of Details section. Your Back Office title is only for internal purposes" which as you can see by my example is not true).

WOULD LOVE to send you screenshots but for some reason the little picture isn't doing anything


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Bookinglayer Team

Hi Mai-ya,

The accommodation titles are available, and you can find them under the email tags (see screenshot below).

The Bookinglayer Team


Bookinglayer Team

Status changed to: Live


Mai-ya Mersereau

Available selection in the Automated Email Templates section:


Mai-ya Mersereau

Popup bubble to explain the "back office title": The title that is seen by your guests is set in "Title" of Details section. Your Back Office title is only for internal purposes


Mai-ya Mersereau

Here is a copy of the client confirmation email to show that using the "back office title" makes zero sense in this context. What's even more baffling is the fact that both the DETAILS/description AND the DETAILS/extended description are available to merge into the template but not the DETAILS/Title..?!??


Mai-ya Mersereau

Here's the back office title. As the popup bubble suggests, we use this as an internal name which helps staff know exactly which theme room is referred to... We would never describe it as such to a customer in this manner as it isn't meant for them so it baffles me entirely when in the automated emails you would ever have a use for the "back office title"


Mai-ya Mersereau

Here's what the customer sees...